Thursday, May 10, 2012

An Easy day

Today the worst thing that happened to me was I got spit in my mouth from a kid. EW!

But the story is kind of funny. After sixth grade lunch, one of my regular kids came up to me and said "I think I'm going to throw up!" So I sent him to the nurse's office. As I was following him, he stopped and said "I felt like I was going to throwup because I saw a two-foot long poop in the toilet." I was dumfounded...

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Pencil and the Weave

Could be an interesting title to something someday. but no. My title is more literal. These are things I found lying around the school for me to find. A kid's pencil in a toilet and a weave lying on the ground. You would think a weave would be less common but this is the second one I've found in 2 months.

It looks like a worm...but it's actually braided hair.

Student: "Someone ate a lot of fiber today."
Teacher: "Wow, students actually learn something in health class..."