Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school! Things went quite well!

6th graders are so cute! At least on the first day they are. My post between classes is in the 6th grade hallway and they would swarm me every time to ask where each classroom was. What was even funnier than the 6th graders was having to give directions to 7th and 8th graders who should know where all the classrooms are.

Lunch time was fun too. Unfortunately I had to get stern with the 7th graders because they were up to their silly antics again just like last year. Some kids never learn. I had to threaten an entire table that I would separate them for the entire year at lunch if they didn't behave. That got their attention. 8th graders decided they were going to run around the cafeteria and fight over a hat. On the first day of school. Sigh. Got to love kids, they just don't know any better sometimes.

The only real incident of interest today was my former 8th graders from last year thought they could still run the school. They showed up before our school let out and just ran rough shod over me, ran into the building and caused all kind of ruckus. I had to write my first incident report of the year. I feel sorry for them that they are going to get in trouble tomorrow at their High School so early in the year, but they need to learn manners, rules and respect. They obviously didn't learn that in Middle School, so they will learn it now or never.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Never Ending Year of Middle School

Did you have a good time in Middle School? I sure did. It was a very interesting 3 years of my life in which I learned to become independent and figured out that I hated my life as it was up until that point. I started to learn just what type of people I liked to hang out with and I learned some hard lessons about people.

School starts up again tomorrow, I can't wait to see the new young ones and see my old young ones. I saw some of them at the County' Back to School Fair. It was great! It's always wonderful to see kids getting active and volunteering. Especially because 2 of the 3 kids from my school who were here have some very active personalities. It heartens me to see that they are putting their activeness to good use.

I'm really exited for tomorrow. I think that's a good thing for someone who's still pretty new at her job right?