Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Calm Week and Missing Students

It has been a really calm week. In my line of work, I find that awesome. How many calm weeks have I had since school started? A total of 1. Some of the staff are joking that since we've had a calm week so far, tomorrow is going to be hectic. But I am going to be optimistic and hope not.

As for the missing students, they aren't really missing. I just liked that title. No, the 7th grade got to go to Medieval Times today. We have around 20 seventh grade students who stayed behind and they get to have a weird schedule. They spend the whole day together and then they get to eat 8th grade lunch. I wish I could chaperone some of these field trips. These kids get to go to a lot of cool places. Who wouldn't want to go see some jousting?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fright Night

Weekly Pondering:

This Friday is Fright Night. My school's first SGA Dance. I won't be going since it's my partner who gets to do all the overtime, but hey, I get to keep my Friday nights to myself. Most of my kids want me to show up. For some reason they think seeing me in a dress would be awesome.

I'm having quite the hard time keeping a balance between caring for these kids and being professional. It's a very fine line. They want me to be their friend so badly but at the same time I have to be the authority. I'm young and I don't feel all the much older than these kids. In recent news, I've had to fight the children when it comes to them calling me by my first name. I've got kids who call me Maggie, Rosie and Mrs. John Wall. But I refuse to let them call me by my real first name. When they ask me why, I say it's because it implies a personal relationship that isn't there. I am Security first, friend second. Forever and always.