Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elections at School

Weekly Highlights:
  • Professional Day - Had to work but there were no kids
  • Election Day- No School/No Work
  • Wednesday: Lots of Dark Circles on Staff Faces

Professional Day was interesting, I had been complaining all weekend about having to work when there was no work to be done. I say it was interesting because I got to see how the school runs when no kids are around. Let me tell you, so totally peaceful.

Election Day was a no school day since all the schools are used as polling places. I got to go to one of my old elementary schools. Nostalgia galore for sure.

Today, there are a lot of happy and sad faces. There are dark circles under the eyes of most adults in the building because they all stayed up to watch the outcome of the election. People are happy, people are sad, but I just wish I had gotten more sleep.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Early Voting Season Horrors

I have to say that today and yesterday have been the two WORSE days for traffic/crossing guard duty. This is because the rec center that is next to us and that shares a parking lot with our school has been set up as an early voting center. Now, it doesn't bother our school much in the morning, but during the rest of the day when our teachers and staff are trying to take their lunch breaks, people have been stealing their parking spots.

I had hoped that when I spoke to the two police officers who showed up today that they would help lighten the situation. Instead, they made it worse. They had told me that they were going to direct traffic if it got too bad, but they didn't.

To put it in context, there is a parking lot for the rec center and a street that seperates the parking lot and the school so that cars have access to the parking lot on the side of the school. This street is one way, but the entrance to the street is two way. The is an exit from the rec center parking lot that gives access to the two way entrance. This is not the only exit from the rec center parking lot. I block this exit off every day so that it is easier for our crossing guard who controls the main roadway. Because of early voting there has been so many people and so much traffic that everytime I block off that exit, people try to come down the wrong way of the one way street. I have to stand in the middle of the lane and turn people away even though there are "Do Not Enter" sign all over the place. It's very frustrating.

What was most frustrating is that there were 2 Caucasian Elderly couples that seemed to think that I was supposed to be at their beck and call to help them get out of the parking lot. One of the two couples were particularly rude. They tried to come down the one way street the wrong way and I stopped them. I told them they had to go the other way. The wife was actually pretty nice. I told them that we had kids coming out of the school and she was very understanding. It was the husband who wouldn't take no for an answer. He was very adamant that I had to help him right then and there. I had walked away from the car thinking that they would be like every other sane person and go the correct way. But instead they apparently had decided to just wait right in the way of everyone. As I was radioing for help, i feel a tap on my shoulder. It was the same rude old man who was now yelling in my face that I needed to get traffic moving. So finally I told him "Sir, I am trying my best to get help so that I can help move traffic. But You need to get BACK in your car now!" And then I walked away. I can't believe I have to suffer one more day of this because they decided to extend voting. This is ridiculous.